Magical ''off the grid'' +/-1421 acre private retreat with 3 natural springs, lush meadows, 13 miles of horseback riding, four-wheel driving, and biking trails throughout. Ideal for recreation, animal rescue, cattle grazing, hunting, farming, or family or club compound. Uniquely situated Union Ranch has impressive hills and an amazing hilltop view of the distant Pacific. A haven of fun, serenity, and majestic seclusion. Just minutes off the lovely Foxen Canyon Wine Trail. Experience an amazing outdoorsman's paradise a short drive from the quaint towns of Santa Ynez and Los Olivos. Well is capped not in use. Abundant water supplied by 3 springs with approx. 13,000 gallons of storage and 5 stock troughs. Sale ''As Is'' and is without any oil or mineral exclusions.